NRBC Bank ensures VAT compliance
NRBC Bank ensures VAT compliance
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Searching for a flexible & modular automation platform that could manage the complexity of VAT documentation, keep pace with the growing volume of records and could be easily scaled up for enterprise level contents and workflow management, Robo2Mation emerged as NRBCB’s first choice.
With a thorough understanding of the Finance Department’s requirements and business needs the solution has been tailed with customized categorization of digitized VAT documents. The system has custom document type categories for Mushok, Bill, Treasury Challan, and others which can be uploaded by voucher number, date, month and year so that documents can be identified by multiple search parameters. The software has a powerful search engine that provides quick and advanced search features. Search results are blazing fast and efficient.
The solution gives client to freedom to manage rule-based access control and user group management features. It also maintains a robust audit trail for each type of activities by the users. The uploaded documents remain safe and secure at all times.

NRBC Bank gained a host of benefits with the implementation of VAT compliance solution.
- VAT documentations is paperless, more organized and efficient than before.
- Searching and retrieving VAT documents doesn’t require additional manpower.
- Reduced cost, time and effort to retrieve files.
- Compliance is ensured; thus, business risk is eliminated.
- Facing internal and external audit is now effortless. Auditors can get direct access to system repository and search related documents in nanoseconds.
- Office space can be saved as digitized physical documents can be stored at a cheaper location.