The Team

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service with a smile

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service with a smile

Meet Our People

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Mahmudul Hasan Khusru, FCA
Director & CEO

Mr. Khusru is the Founder of

Mr. Khusru has been serving as the faculty member of ICAB for more than 17 years and engaged in the development of learning materials. He is also deeply involved in the continuous development process of ICAB in various capacities.

Mr. Khusru acquired degree on Innovation and Strategy from the Harvard University, USA. Presently, he is pursuing PhD on ‘Information Technologies for public sector reporting in Bangladesh’. He is extensively involved in advocacy role on various laws and policy formation process of Government including preparation of various research papers.

Md. Showkat Hossain Chowdhury
Head – Business Operation

Md. Showkat Hossain Chowdhury is the Head of Business Operation of Robo2mation. Having 14 years of experience with 7 years in start-up leadership role Mr. Showkat has a unique blend of managerial, sales & marketing, operational, logistics and advanced skills in strategic planning, international negotiations, product development and project management.

Mr. Showkat holds a leading role in the research & innovation team of Robo2mation for designing and launching profitable product lines. He has launched many new products, services and solutions for the business. He’s a tech evangelist and very passionate about new business ideation, business planning & analysis, process reengineering & automation, RPA, BPA, ECM, DMS, Records Management, B2B/B2C sales and digital transformation.

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